Sie sind hier: Zucht Pedigree

(BG) Gilbert Bast, Böttler-Mühle 13, D-66740 Saarlouis-Roden, Tel: 06831-86231, e-Mail:

-Pedigree Season 2005-

Buckfast Breeder No.

No. B523(BG)= .04-B65(FF) hbff A113(FF), .02-B350(FF) hbff B155(FF), .00-B365(FF) x B150(FF),

No. B318(BG)= .04-B65(FF) hbff A113(FF), .02-B350(FF) hbff B155(FF), .00-B365(FF) x B150(FF),
Laying Queen imported from Franz & Klaus Fehrenbach (D)

No. B403(BG)= .04-B414(JT) widl B295(KA), (no more Data)

No. B404(BG)= .04-B008(JT) widl B295(KA). (no more Data)
Laying Queen imported from Jakob Thaler (I))

No. B322(BG)= .05-B111(TK) hbg B339(WP) .03-KB271 nex KB425, .01-KB484 nex KB309.
Laying Queen imported from Thomas Kodym (A)
No. B311(BG)= B93(AM) aml B391(NE) .02-AM0025 aml AM9985, .00-AM968 aml TR95175. Laying Queen imported Gosse van der Velde (NL)

Primorski Breeder No.

No. P134(BG)= .03-P519(BG) nee P1a(GdB), .02-P1a(GdB) aml A85(AM), .01-P1(GdB) rud pPmix(KK)

No. P86(BG)= .03-P1a(GdB) nee Orange With, .01-P1(GdB) rud pPmix(KK)

Cecropia Breeder No.

No. G144(BG)= .04-G501(BG) ins B1(BW). .03-QRC014 ins KCR130, .03-Laying Oueen imported Greece, (pure Ccecropia)

Anatolica Breeder No.

No. A255(PJ)= .02-A164(PJ) ins B240(PJ), .00-A199(PJ) ins B106(PJ), .98-A79(PN) ins B184(PJ).
No. A256(PJ)= .02-A164(PJ) ins B240(PJ), .00-A199(PJ) ins B106(PJ), .98-A79(PN) ins B184(PJ),
Mature Queen cell imported from Paul Jungels(LUX) by the way of Jos & Annette Guth (LUX)

Macedonier Breeder No.

No. D661(BG)= .05-KM019 ins KM010. (no more Data)
No. D663(BG)= .05-KM019 ins KM010. (no more Data)
Laying Queen imported Greece (pur Macedonier)
No. D320(BG)= .05-MA56(TK) hbg B339(WP). 04-MA4(TK) ins MA272(PN), .03-MA272(PN) hbpn B107(PN),
Laying Queen imported from Thomas Kodym (A)
No. D310(BG)=
.05-MA4(TK) hbg B339(WP) .03-MA272(PN) hbpn B107(PN), .01-MA172(PN) hbpn NO6238(PN),
Laying Queen imported from Thomas Kodym (A)

Ligustica Breeder No.

No. L402(BG)= .04-L02(JT) widl B295(KA) (no more Data)

No. L401(BG)= .04-L01(JT) widl B295(KA) (no more Data)
Laying Queen imported from Jakob Thaler (I)

-Drones, Insemination Marpingen(D) C. Winkler and Saarlouis(D) G. Bast, Daughters of…

.02-B190 PJ) ins B240(PJ), .00-I273(PJ) ins B106(PJ), .98-I152(PJ) ins A2(PJ),
Supplied drones by cols Nr. 205, 208, 211, 215, 219 (HJK), and 513, 105, 26, 103 /BG)

-Drones, Neeltje Jans island mating place (NL –North Sea) – Daughters of…

P-Grün Blau Gelb=
(no more data)
Supplied drones by 5 colonies, bred by Ed Pieterse (NL)

…used as below

x B186(PJ):
A256(PJ), A255(PJ), G144(BG)

x Grün Blau Gelb: P134(BG), P86(BG), A255(PJ)